Psalm 138
Luke 5: 1-11
SERMON: Don’t Be Selfish – The gifts that God has poured out on us are given to us for the benefit of others! Keeping them just to ourselves is not just the height of selfishness but a misuse of God’s gifts.
If these are your questions and your hopes, we think you will find your place with us at New Hanover Presbyterian Church. We are dedicated to finding thoughtful ways to understand and live out the teachings of Jesus. We do not insist on lock-step thinking or litmus-test living. We do believe that Christian faith will eventually lead us to heaven but leads us to others right now, and we seek to be a redemptive and beneficial member of our community now.
We hope you will join us for worship on Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Blessings, Robert Johnson
Our Vision:
To make Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection relevant today.
Our Mission:
As a welcoming community of believers in Jesus Christ, we will unite our Faith and works to share God’s love.
Our Values:
Based on our understanding of the bible, New Hanover Presbyterian Church believes that, Love, Acceptance, Inclusion, Redemption, Mercy And Equity are values Jesus Christ taught and demonstrated. We are convinced that these values that Jesus Christ advocated in Matthew 22: 37-40 when He said:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
When the Apostle Paul was writing to the church at Rome, he said this: “…you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep, for salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers.”
In other words, there is no Christian option that allows us to be Christian and still stay asleep or to politely doze in a world of hurt and need. We want to be alive to the world as it is now and to engage with that world as those transformed by the love of Jesus. We hope you will come and join us in this quest to live in the present with the wisdom and power of the God of all the ages.
Robert Johnson, Pastor
New Hanover Presbyterian Church
This community has made a decision – we are not following any crowd. We are, instead, committed to take the Scriptures seriously and humanity compassionately. Our goal is to read the Bible in both its ancient context and its modern implications, and have it make a difference in the way we live our daily lives and in how we see people and treat them. We believe the scriptures have something vital and unique to say now – something that no political party or social movement can or will say. At New Hanover, we believe Jesus and the people that follow him should not be conformed to the conventional wisdom and path of the world, but transformed by God’s grace.
When the Apostle Paul was writing to the church at Rome, he said this: “…you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep, for salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers.” In other words, there is no Christian option that allows us to be Christian and still stay asleep or to politely doze in a world of hurt and need. We want to be alive to the world as it is now and to engage with that world as those transformed by the love of Jesus. We hope you will come and join us in this quest to live in the present with the wisdom and power of the God of all the ages.
Robert Johnson, Pastor
New Hanover Presbyterian Church
Our 9:30am service is designed to reinforce our core values of love, acceptance, inclusion, redemption, mercy and equity. These values, exhibited and preached upon by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, are reflected in our music, sermon and church news and updates. We aim to connect and build relationships before, during and after our service.
Upon arrival to our church you will be greeted will smile and receive our worship bulletin. You’ll be directed to sanctuary. We aim to create a welcoming and inclusive worship space!
Each service features a sermon, based on scripture, designed to better understand these passages and to reach forward to today’s times to give us guidance, hope and a challenge. Music is both contemporary and traditional, with our choir and church musicians playing live and meaningful music. We also occasionally feature solo voice and instrumental works. A children’s time is a regular service feature where we share God’s good news through stories and examples. After this, young children can go to our education wing if desired, with adult supervision. Our news and updates allow us to hear of ongoing missions and ways to support those less fortunate in our community.
Following the service we offer coffee and treats, in a designated time to build relationships with one another. Our Faith in Life educational series is offered in Fall, Spring and Summer and features interesting and important topics of discussion and learning. Occasionally we have a special class and/or luncheon available.
We think you’ll enjoy our intentional and inclusive approach to worship!
Calling all women and men! Join us for a weekly bible study, that meets during the day here at New Hanover. We will gather each Thursday, at 11am, in the narthex. Our topic is: The Book of Hebrews. All are welcome. There is no preparation needed, and no materials to read ahead.
Join us here at New Hanover, at 6:30pm, for bible study and fellowship. We are studying The Book of Amos. Following our meeting, we will head over to Marty’s for dinner and more fellowship.
Calling all women and men! Join us for a weekly bible study, that meets during the day here at New Hanover. We will gather each Thursday, at 11am, in the narthex. Our topic is: The Book of Hebrews. All are welcome. There is no preparation needed, and no materials to read ahead.
Calling all women and men! Join us for a weekly bible study, that meets during the day here at New Hanover. We will gather each Thursday, at 11am, in the narthex. Our topic is: The Book of Hebrews. All are welcome. There is no preparation needed, and no materials to read ahead.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
SERMON: Nothing Can Be Greater – After a dramatic recitation of first Corinthians 13, we will contrast the gifts that are “passing away” with the permanent and excellence of unselfish love.
If you have a specific prayer request or praise to share with the congregation, information to include in congregational communications, would like to get involved at NHPC, or have a question please feel free to contact us: