Our 9:30am service is designed to reinforce our core values of love, acceptance, inclusion, redemption, mercy and equity. These values, exhibited and preached upon by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, are reflected in our music, sermon and church news and updates. We aim to connect and build relationships before, during and after our service.
Upon arrival to our church you will be greeted with a smile and a worship bulletin. You’ll be directed to the sanctuary. We aim to create a welcoming and inclusive worship space!
Each service features a sermon, based on scripture, designed to better understand these passages and to reach forward to today’s times to give us guidance, hope and a challenge. Music is both contemporary and traditional, with our choir and church musicians playing live and meaningful music. We also occasionally feature solo voice and instrumental works.
Children’s Time is a regular service feature where we share God’s good news through stories and examples. After this, young children can go to our education wing if desired, with adult supervision. Our news and updates allow us to hear of ongoing missions and ways to support those less fortunate in our community.
Following the service we offer coffee and refreshments, in a designated time to build relationships with one another. Our Faith in Life educational series is offered in Fall, Winter, and Spring and features interesting and important topics of discussion and learning. Occasionally we have a special class and/or luncheon available.
We think you’ll enjoy our intentional and inclusive approach to worship!
As we seek to glorify God, the Psalmist instructs us to make a joyful noise! Music is an important way we do this during worship.
We employ a blend of traditional and contemporary music, singing both hymns and praise songs during most services. It is important to enjoy both old musical favorites and new expressions of our faith — almost anyone can find something to like as they meditate on the day’s message. In this way, we will never stop growing, either spiritually or musically. We like to emphasize participation, and seek to highlight the talents of church members and those in our community. On any given Sunday, in addition to congregational singing, you might encounter performances from the choir, handbells, or other instruments. The music ministry offers rich opportunities for fellowship. Nothing draws us into community closer than the joy of preparing to lead worship.
The choir is an integral part of weekly worship. The choir leads all congregational music and offers periodic special music. Anyone is welcome to join, whether for a trial rehearsal or to claim preferential seating in worship. No previous musical knowledge or experience is required; only a good attitude and a willingness to learn. For more information, contact Kayla Jarvis.
Worship Band
The worship band features an ecclectic mix of hymns, classic and contemporary worship music, as well as folk-style worship music. We regularly include piano/keyboards, bass, drums, guitar, mandolin, and accordion and always welcome other musicians. The worship band typically rehearses Wednesday evenings at 5:30 P.M. For more information, contact Kayla Jarvis.
New Hanover Ringers
The New Hanover Ringers is a group of musically eclectic individuals united for a common purpose – to ring for the glory of God and provide musical offerings to the congregation. We currently ring two octaves of Malmark bells and handchimes, but have room for more members, as the church owns three and a half octaves. No musical experience is necessary, but you should be able to commit to rehearsals on a regular basis. For more information contact Pam O’Brien.
Luke 24: 13-27
SERMON: Do You Believe – To have faith – to really believe in a risen Christ – we must accept that God can even turn what appears to be shame and degradation into glory. Our standards and our timelines may not apply.
Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)
SERMON: Never a Dull Moment – No sooner had Moses and Elijah departed than Jesus was back at work. Jesus shows us what life is like for those who follow him – service is always with us.
Psalm 37
1 John 4:7-14
Luke 6:27-38
SERMON: Living on the Edge – Jesus’ advice on living the Godly good life is terrifying! How can anyone live like this? What are you willing to risk and what is it you think will happen to you if you do?
Psalm 1
Luke 6:17-26
Jeremiah 17:5-10
SERMON: Planing To Be Withered – Jeremiah’s warning (and Jesus’s confirmation) that misplaced trust makes us vulnerable and desiccated in our inner beings.
If you have a specific prayer request or praise to share with the congregation, information to include in congregational communications, would like to get involved at NHPC, or have a question please feel free to contact us: